Seller's guide

To assist us in the sale the owner(s) of the property agree to provide the following documentation to:

  • A copy of the deed - "Escritura de compra venta".
  • Copies of any loan documents - "Escritura de hipoteca".
  • A copy of the latest water and energy bill.
  • Completion certificate - "Cedula de habilidad".
  • A copy of the receipt for payment of property taxes - "Suma".
  • A copy of your Spanish identification number, NIE and passport.
  • A copy of the receipt for payment of common expenses - "Recibo de la comunidad".
  • Energy Efficiency Certificate E.E.C. or (sometimes know as) Energy Performance Certificate 

  • Have you had a pool or an extension on your property? If so additional documents will be required:  project for pool/extension work completed. Copy of the Licence from your town hall for the work undertaken. Copy of the authorisation from the Community President or Administrators

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